Saturday, April 17, 2010

30 weeks!

Wow I am 30 weeks today! It is a big milestone just being able to say 30 weeks! We are so close!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is my ticker right?

Only 69 more days to go? No way?!?!??!


It has been a while since I wrote on this blog. Things have been going great except for the last week.

This is how I spent my Spring Break.

Monday: Glucose test - not bad
Monday pm: I started getting cramps and noticed brown spotting. I freaked out and called the dr and they immediately wanted to see me. Luckily it was only a UTI but I had never been so scared and helpless in my life.

Wednesday: Got a call from the Dr. office, gloucose test- FAILED.

Thursday: Back at the dr. had the 3 hour gloucose test done. It wasn't too bad but just a lot of waiting. Then on top of that I had to get my Rhogram shot.

Too many trips to the dr. office this week for sure.
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